Newton D. Smith

1952 to 1953

The honor of having been President of this Society is one of which I am deeply appreciative now and I shall continue to be grateful for it through all the years to come. Until that honor has been yours, however, you never will realize how much this Society is dependent upon all of its members nor how much the accomplishments of each meeting rest upon the generous and enthusiastic efforts of the members of the various committees. I wish especially to express my indebtedness to the members of the Program Committee, the Editorial Board whose membership must remain nameless, the Committee on Local Arrangements and the Committee on Scientific and Commercial Exhibits. Theirs has been a long and often burdensome task. At this meeting we cannot fail to realize how well they have discharged their duties. My thanks go out, also, to those members of the other committees whose work is of undeniable importance but the results of which frequently are less conspicuous. This Society is indebted to all of its workers for their willing efforts -it never can repay them for the time, energy or thought that they have generously expended unless its members diligently try to emulate their example.